Would You Like to be My Adopted “Business” Son/Daughter?

Hi Everyone

There’s something that struck a chord with everyone on our coaching webinar earlier this week.  I thought I’d write about it for you guys.

You see, when my son left High School a couple of years ago, wanting to make some money

…(while doing as little work as possible, LOL)…

I gave him the very best advice I could.

I’m an experienced and successful online marketer. I’ve seen it all. I know what works and what doesn’t.  I’ve seen people fail, and I’ve seen them succeed (but not many succeed – and I’ve seen why).

So I felt qualified to give my son some good advice.

Now, would YOU trust what I advised my own flesh and blood?

And the advice proved right on the money!

Now heres the question: “Would you like me to help you like I helped him?”

(sort of become my adopted son!! LOL)

I’ll do that for you guys. I’m here to help, and I’ll do it.

So I’ve got 2 things for you.  First, watch this short intro video from me:


if you can rank your product at the top of Amazon, you’ve got it made.  Period.  You wont have to worry ever again.

I know the secret and it’s very very straightforward.

You know you can always reach me at our support address – I answer emails sent to me personally.  I’ll help you.


Learn More Here...



I think you will be pleased you took a look.  My genuine advice is that you do.

All the best

John Pearce




  • Roy Smith

    Reply Reply April 20, 2017

    I’m in!
    Really excited about this one John and look forward to working with you.
    Let’s do it!

    • John Pearce

      Reply Reply April 21, 2017

      Welcome Roy and good decision! Look forward to seeing your success with this. #Thisistheone!

  • Nigel Hanwell

    Reply Reply April 21, 2017

    Hi John.

    Friday night and trying to watch the replay coaching call but the video won’t load.

    All I see is the small triangle in the centre of the screen spinning.

    Been trying for ages.

    Any alternative link please?



    • John Pearce

      Reply Reply April 21, 2017

      Hi Nigel – so sorry about that. Which video can’t you watch, the one on this page or the one at the link? Both videos are functioning fine so you could maybe try a different browser or a different device? You could also try clearing browser cache. I’m really sorry I don’t have any other suggestions! if you still cant want, please send a support ticket to support at jpteach.me and I’ll help you out there.

  • David Nore

    Reply Reply April 23, 2017

    John, I have seen the video from Jason and I’m impressed. However, I’m confused as to the closing time and date. Jason’s video says April 23, 11.59am Pacific time. The order page says April 28, 11.59. I’m not sure now what you say.

    Could you please clarify.

    Kind regards,
    David Nore +61 9492 328 450

    • John Pearce

      Reply Reply April 23, 2017

      Hi David – yes no problem. The webinar is being taken down today. The ASM 7 doors remain open until April 28th. Hope that’s clear and sorry for any confusion.

  • Nigel Hanwell

    Reply Reply April 23, 2017

    All good John and thank you. Browser issue but all sorted.

  • Marquerite

    Reply Reply July 23, 2017

    Hi John, I am one of your adoptees. I am still battling to find a suitable Amazon products. I was wondering if you could give me some directions into which categories I should pursue for the best results. I am staying in South Africa andwould at a later stage approach you on some guidance as what to do with Amazon payments etc.

    Kind regards


    • John Pearce

      Reply Reply July 24, 2017

      Hi Marquerite

      Almost certainly you are over-thinking it. All the categories are good (well, not all, but most – jsut follow the suggestions in ASM course).

      Here’s what you should do. Decide that your first product will not be a great success, but will be a learning experience. You will not lose money, but you may not make much much with a poor product choice. but if you first decide it will not be a success, that will free you mentally to choose one without worrying too much.

      Once you’ve chosen one, and are starting to order it etc, you’ll need to reverse your thinking and start thinking positive about the future success of a product.

      But there is one option that will DEFINITELY not work – making no choice at all. So, don’t worry about a successful choice – just pick one following ASM advice!

  • Skip Martin

    Reply Reply October 17, 2017

    This is all well and good but you neglected to mention that ASM will cost $3,000+ so it is out of the reach of most people reading your recommendation.

    • John Pearce

      Reply Reply October 17, 2017

      Skip it is a matter of perspective. At some point in IM all get our subconscious programed into a mindset of thinking of products as another biz-op flash in the pan that’ll get us excited for a while and turn out to be a waste of time.

      Rather, if this is a business that is going to generate you a life-changing business income and a lasting business, $3,000 is nothing. How much for a MacDonald’s franchise? Or an MBA at your local college? Or a law degree? Even a taxi license/medallion? Or the investment to open any other kind of business you can think of?

      Amazon ecommerce is not some biz op rubbish. If you don’t have $3K to spend, you can choose to fail, or find another way to build a business, or you can choose to find the money – sell stuff on ebay, get an additional job for a few weeks, do whatever it takes. Success requires us to do what the ordinary guy won’t do.

      What I’ve just said is for sure “easier said than done,” but if positions were reversed, I’d do whatever it takes either to get the money, or to find another way to build the business without ASM. I wish I’d had ASM when I started out looking for a way to break free.

      But $3K for the training to transform your life business-wise? That’s crazy cheap.

  • JR

    Reply Reply December 10, 2018

    Is this still something you are doing? I have looked at ASM several times and never went thru with it but, with your adoption of me I could see moving forward


    • John Pearce

      Reply Reply December 16, 2018

      Hi Jim – yes indeed. I am more enthusiastic than ever about it!

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