What Now to Break Free in 2021?
Well, phewweeey! Ok so the reflections on the extraordinary 2020 are done and dusted, and the (limited) new year festivities over, and likely most new year’s resolutions now broken forgotten about… So, what now? How to break free in 2021 and make this year COUNT! My friends – let me tell you the blessing that…
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
What You Need Truly to Succeed… I first posted this 5 years ago now, spring 2014. I have brought it back to the top of the list of posts today, April 19th 2019. Because it’s timeless. Many of you will have heard of Dale Carnegie – one of the greatest self-improvement authors of all time…
My Most Heartfelt, Genuine Advice to Make YOU Hyper Successful in Business
Hi Everyone Those of you who have been reading my emails for a while will know a couple of things about what I truly believe. I’m not talking spiritual stuff here – though most of you already know that Chris and I are Christians. This time, I’m talking business… You see… I know the…
Would You Like to be My Adopted “Business” Son/Daughter?
Hi Everyone There’s something that struck a chord with everyone on our coaching webinar earlier this week. I thought I’d write about it for you guys. You see, when my son left High School a couple of years ago, wanting to make some money …(while doing as little work as possible, LOL)… I gave him…