What You Need Truly to Succeed…
I first posted this in the spring of 2014, and a couple of times since. I wanted to publish it afresh at this Eastertime 2021, after the strangest of years for all of us. Because it’s timeless. Many of you will have heard of Dale Carnegie – one of the greatest self-improvement authors of all…
Buffer Site Wizard – New Features
Hi Everyone Please see this video as a followup to my email! This video takes you through some of the latest changes and updates that have been incorporated into the Software. To access the software, please go here. To access the software, please go here.
Big Changes In How Google Thinks – Take Advantage!
If you can understand this, and apply it, you will rank. It is remarkable the number of changes in Google. Generally people are slow to catch on. But it’s actually easier to rank now than ever. You just need to play by the rules. Today, it’s not just about backlinks and anchor text. Let me…
How Spinners Can Kill Your SEO and Why We STILL Use Them?
Something that came up on the webinar last week – and it’s worth addressing as it’s a key issue in SEO today. Spun content can be death to your sites. So why do Chris and I still use a spinner in our own SEO, ranking our own sites? It’s true, Chris and I still use…
Push Notifications – the future?
Browser push notification software. For sure, this is a software for anyone running a website, but I would only suggest you get it if you currently have your own site with visitors, or have clients. If you are at that stage with an operating business – well, I think it’s a no-brainer. This is the…
Sales Tax Solved? One of the Biggest Headaches for eCom
It’s really true – dealing with Sales Tax for ecommerce sales is a massive headache at best, and very expensive if you get it wrong, at worst. There are however some unique ways to reduce the headache – most interestingly a suggestion in this interview that you can file for and submit sales tax in…
Improving Amazon Conversion Rate – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
In my previous post, we looked at the “double whammy” (in a good way) from a high conversion rate in your Amazon listing. Not only will you convert more visitors, resulting in higher profit per visitor, but your rankings in Amazon search will also increase, sending you more traffic, that then converts at a higher…
Best Opportunity Out There for SEO’ers and Non-SEO’ers?
Game Changer? I’d really like you to read all of this post – it’s a really important one. This could be it. You see… A year or two ago, Chris and I started getting really interested in something that is the most significant business development of our time. Leading Statistics website “Statista.com” states: “E-commerce statistics…
Warning – Avoid this Software Like the Plague
*WARNING WARNING** Be careful what software you buy! It’s a sad reflection on our industry. There are people out there that will sell software that promises the earth, but delivers the reverse:- a Google penalty to your site. The sad fact is that software marketers will sell stuff like this is because it’s an easy…
The Most Valuable 6 Minute Video Ever
Chris and I continue to believe that local SEO is the most slam dunk best way to guarantee a your future. Why? Local business owners are crying out for the service that will give them page 1 local rankings… THEY understand business, and how valuable this is, and they want and need it. Plus… Local…