Major Google Update and How to Leverage It!!!

Plus We’re Giving Away Our New Product!

Tomorrow sees a big day for our members.

This is a vital members-only coaching – no guests, and nothing to buy.

This Thursday Chris is going to unveil how a new Google update has totally played into our hands – just look at this!

And yesterday Chris dropped me a mail saying:

“I have planned a very good webinar for Thursday. I have created a product that we can give away.


We will be giving huge value – more than any previous coaching webinar.”


We’ll give our new product away live, and for a very short period (couple of days) on the replay, then we wont give it away any more!

We may be dumb giving good, valuable stuff away for free, but we love you guys

…and love it when you love us 🙂

Anyway, this Thursday Chris is going to unveil how a new Google update has totally played into our hands.

We could call this webinar “how to make Google play into your hands…” or

“how to make Google be a kindly uncle to your sites…”

You get the idea! Google is a tame pussy cat when you know how to play it!

And that’s what we are going to teach AND giveaway our product on exactly how to do this.

Webinar now over but replay now available right here:

How To Survive A Google Algorithm Update

All the best

John and Chris


  • Eric Pryor

    Reply Reply January 24, 2019


    I am registered for the webinar. However, we are waiting for our grandchild to be born and my daughter is in labor right now. If she delivers during the webinar I obviously won’t be present.

    However, I’m interested in whatever you are going to make available today.

    Please let me know if we can make this happen.

    Thank You

    Eric Pryor

    • John Pearce

      Reply Reply January 25, 2019

      Hi Eric dont worry we’ll be getting out a replay link ASAP!

  • Richard Hargreaves

    Reply Reply January 25, 2019

    Hi John

    Is the replay link out yet?

    Best regards

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