Page Builders – the Good the Bad and the Ugly!

Boy if There is One Area Where I've Struggled Recently, it is with Page Builders...

What’s a page builder?

In order to save you having to hire an html coder to build you a graphic rich, beautiful, “landing page” (or opt-in page, squeeze page, registration page – whatever you want to call it).  For example, one like this:


And of course if you clicked on the “Register my Seat” a box pops up to allow you to opt in:


Now, to do all that stuff with code – well it’s a specialist, skilled job that most of us businessmen simply don’t have.  And it takes a long time.

You can build simple pages (like this one) in WordPress, but the beautiful graphics, easy integration with email optin, gotowebinar, SMS phone number optin etc etc – well all of that requries some coding.

Coding not Required

So the whole purpose of these page builders is to:

  • Allow you to build beautiful, professional, graphic rich pages quickly and easily without being a coder!
  • Allow you to easily integrate email optin, webinar registration, or other services quickly and easily without being a coder!

The first and best I ever came across was Optimize Press v1.  Sadly it’s no longer available, but I built my business with it in the early days.  It was incredible.  Pioneering.

Beautiful, professional looking pages in no time, fully integrated funnels with optin and other services.

(Then the mobile revolution came along and Optimize Press was updated to Optimize Press v2)

What are My Alternatives?

There are really 4 main page builders worth talking about today:  Leadpages, Clickfunnels and Optimize Press v2 and, new kid on the block, Convertri.  Leadpages I have not used.

Optimize press – I still like it, and the results are good.  The trouble is, it is complex to use, and time consuming.   I simply can’t recommend it to you.  And the page load speed is slowwww.  The code is “bloated” say my techy friends, and is based on WordPress, which is slow itself.

And page load speed is very important. Very important. You can lose a lot of potential opt-ins with slo load speed (it’s been proved).

Clickfunnels – Avoid!

Clickfunnels took the marketing world by storm over a year a go. Boy was it promising.  It really took care fo everything – professional page builder, and more integration and functionality that meant you really did not need other services.

Clickfunnels has the best integration I’ve seen ever, from SMS text integration to allowing autowebinars, to split testing.

They do have a 14 day free trial (click on the image above), so feel free to give it a trial, except…

Except – it doesn’t work

I’ve been using Clickfunnels for about 4 months now and it’s the most frustrating experience I think I have ever, ever had in using an online software service of any sort.

I’ve uncovered 5 or 6 separate functionality errors (bugs) – more than half of which are still not fixed.  I have wasted hours upon hours of my valuable time with technical support that is at best “variable”.  For simple questions, the tech support is great and responsive.  For anything remotely challenging, I often found I knew more about Clickfunnels having invested time in it than they did.

I honestly don’t know what’s gone wrong at Clickfunnels – they have thousands of customers paying $97 a month.  It’s not as if they don’t have the funding required to reinvest and sort out their issues.  I think it’s pretty shameful.

Also, page load speed is again slow.  Really slow.

At $97 a month (that’s the minimum), Clickfunnels comes in at $1,100 a year.  Over 5 years that’s nearly $6,000.

That’s expensive.

Basically, learn from me.  Avoid Clickfunnels.

The Solution?

I love what I see in this.  First of all, it is the easiest functionality page-builder I’ve seen.  It’s drag and drop.  Now, anyone can do that.

AND, they have worked on making page load speed super fast.  I don’t understand all the tech, but it’s insanely fast.

Today, that is what you need, and page speed is a massive ranking factor for SEO, too.

Plus, you can for a short while get lifetime subscription for a one off launch price.

Boy, if you are in internet marketing, just get this.  No more Clickfunnels at a cost of thousands of dollars over many years.  Oh no.  Get Convertri at like 1/100th of the cost.

I’ve got it, I’m switching over from Clickfunnels (and stopping that $1,000 a year  – whoa).  I suggest you do too.

This is how easy it is to build a page:

Simply, this is my recommendation.  I don’t think you’ll find anything better out there and the cost is insanely low.  The value of picking a lifetime subscription up for a one off payment is massive.  Clickfunnels at thousands of dollars over a few years, or a better, faster, easier to use bug free solution that actually works for a one off lifetime payment equivalent to just 3 months of Clickfunnels.

Bye bye Clickfunnels

I hope that helps!


PS The creators of Convertri have provided me some extra, great bonuses for you guys buying through the above link.  Boy this is a great list!  Purchase the lifetime option and get all of these (only with lifetime option, which is the only sensible option to get)!  You’ll find them in the JVZoo download area if you purchase the lifetime option with the link here:

Bonus 1: Sales Funnel Strategies – how to build successful funnels (in other words, pages)
Bonus 2: The Backward Funnel Strategy
Bonus 3: Copywriting Success Secrets – What words to put on your page!
Bonus 4: Ecover Graphics Giant – amazing graphics PLR package.
Bonus 5: Explosive List Building
Bonus 6: The Followup Builder
Bonus 7: Leadgen Machines
Bonus 8: Webinar Lead Pro
Bonus 9: Smart Funnel Blueprint

PPS Honestly, they could and should be charging $1,997 for this…

1 Comment

  • Richard Porterfield

    July 27, 2016

    7-27-16 This is truly a valuable service to document your wide experience and give perspective that I can use in purchasing services.