John Pearce's Exclusive Travel Coffee Mug Giveaway!
"Who Else Wants This Premium Travel Coffee Mug as Our Gift to You?"
How This Works...
This is my sons new (and first) Amazon product! If you would like one for yourself, absolutely free, please fill out your name email and country below.
All we ask is:
First: You buy exactly on the day we ask (later this week - probably Wednesday).
Second: You post an awesome but honest review as soon as you receive and try it!
In return, I'll get you the coffee mug and refund your paypal account with the full amount of your purchase.
Please ONLY sign up if you are prepare to purchase on the day we ask, write a review, and then notify us to refund your PayPal account!
If you are interested in Amazon, I'll also share the results of this crazy experiment with you, and whether it works in ranking my son's product in Amazon (which is the objective). I'll let you know those results, exactly how we set this up, and how you can duplicate this in your ecommerce business.
Get this Superb, Premium, Travel Coffee Mug Absolutely Free!
Enter your name, country and email below and I will write to you with instructions and a link to purchase, and how I will then refund your purchase in full!
We value your privacy and would never spam you