What You Need Truly to Succeed…

I first posted this in the spring of 2014, and a couple of times since. I wanted to publish it afresh at this Eastertime 2021, after the strangest of years for all of us. Because it’s timeless. Many of you will have heard of Dale Carnegie – one of the greatest self-improvement authors of all…

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Next Step for 2021 Breakthrough – Local SEO

Two things I’ll tell anyone that will listen. Two things, two options, either of which can set you free in 2021.  The first, we’ve dealt with at length earlier this year – ecommerce (and if you are doing that, stick with it!  There is no greater barrier to success than chopping and changing, and Kibo…

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Kibo Code Deal-Maker: Make or Break Custom Bonus Package

If You are Going to Go for Kibo, THIS Will Make the Difference Between Success and Failure! It’s true isn’t it?  There’s always a little more to it than the shiny sales-webinars would suggest.  It always looks so simple on the sales webinars, and then, when you go and try it…. …you fine “hmmm, this…

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What Now to Break Free in 2021?

Well, phewweeey! Ok so the reflections on the extraordinary 2020 are done and dusted, and the (limited) new year festivities over, and likely most new year’s resolutions now broken forgotten about… So, what now?  How to break free in 2021 and make this year COUNT! My friends – let me tell you the blessing that…

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Buffer Site Wizard – New Features

Hi Everyone Please see this video as a followup to my email!  This video takes you through some of the latest changes and updates that have been incorporated into the Software. To access the software, please go here.   To access the software, please go here.

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Ben Cummings eCommerce Fast Track, Elevated eCommerce Podcast, and Amazon FBA – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

This no holds barred review is going to pull no punches.  I’m very sorry to say it is going to be mostly negative, so I thought I’d try to balance that by starting with the positive things.  After more than 3 years as a Fast Track member, also as a Traian Turcu Masterclass member, and…

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How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

What You Need Truly to Succeed… I first posted this 5 years ago now, spring 2014.  I have brought it back to the top of the list of posts today, April 19th 2019.  Because it’s timeless. Many of you will have heard of Dale Carnegie – one of the greatest self-improvement authors of all time…

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Big Changes In How Google Thinks – Take Advantage!

If you can understand this, and apply it, you will rank. It is remarkable the number of changes in Google.  Generally people are slow to catch on. But it’s actually easier to rank now than ever. You just need to play by the rules. Today, it’s not just about backlinks and anchor text. Let me…

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Major Google Update and How to Leverage It!!!

Plus We’re Giving Away Our New Product! Tomorrow sees a big day for our members. This is a vital members-only coaching – no guests, and nothing to buy. This Thursday Chris is going to unveil how a new Google update has totally played into our hands – just look at this! And yesterday Chris dropped…

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Do This Now If You Haven’t Already!

I’ve got something a lot more profitable for you to do today than spend money on Cyber Monday deals! …and this is something really heartfelt. I honestly, genuinely believe this is the best way to make serious money in your spare time, or humongous money if you hit this full time. And I’m talking about…

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