Social Signals – The Action To Take!

When it comes to SEO, everything is calculated through testing and trial and error. Google give us very little to work with, and what they do give us, we have to weigh up and read between the lines and through other information that we can reliably piece together.


Google are masters of smoke and mirrors. They tell us what they want us to hear and often engineer any news and facts so that we go away thinking one thing assuming we have the full picture, but actually we are way off mark. The video mentioned in this document is just one such example.

So the conclusion is that social signals are not what we thought they were. The pursuit of a wide platform of “Likes”, “Shares” and “Tweets” is not going to give us any magic ranking power like many believe, but they will help ensure that our link profile looks natural, and also, the increase in social signals will help increase our on line visibility and traffic exposure which is certainly good for us.

Google+ is the big one however. G+ is the silent giant, and getting bigger and more powerful. Never before has G+ been so important for us to grasp for our SEO purposes. My recommendation to you is to embrace G+ and set up a G+ account and get your website/s added and Authorship set up. Build a good following and get some good content on your G+ page. You can syndicate your website content for example and encourage people to +1 it and share it. Once you start getting these flowing, you will have meaningful social signals that will start making a real difference to both your traffic, social engagement and most importantly, your rankings.

Final Words

I hope you have got a lot out of this manual and that you are able to formulate the best way ahead for your sites ranking.

As Google forge their search engines processes, they make ranking harder for everyone except those that understand Google and remain at the cutting edge. By reading this and other information John and I produce, you are positioning yourself to have an unfair advantage over your competition, so as Google tightens their ranking processes, they are making life easier for us and the small minority of those in the know

All the best with your social signals then and your rankings in Google

All the best

Chris Cantell & John Pearce

PS – Be sure to read the preceding posts here in our Social Signals training if you haven’t already!  This is the 6th and final post in this free social signals training series.


  • Lance

    Reply Reply June 8, 2015

    Great training Jeff!! The only thing I would have to say is that Twitter is being counted as a social signal now that Twitter and Google + have joined forces once again. The only reason Google couldn’t count as a ranking factor before is because Google didn’t have their API. Now that they have teamed up again Google can see Twiiter as real signals just like Google +. So in the end Twitter will start counting as a ranking factor more than ever before.

    • Lance

      Reply Reply June 8, 2015

      Sorry meant Twitter not Google

    • John Pearce

      Reply Reply June 17, 2015

      Lance Google and Twitter are not YET joined up. That is coming, but not yet. All of this is covered in the previous posts 🙂

  • Sorry if you get this twice, my pc closed down!! Great training and great ways to improve our website to “climb” higher in the rankings. Thank you John!

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