What About The Proof That Google Uses Social Signals As A Ranking Factor?

In Matt Cutts video, he raises a point about the correlation between ranking and social signals. He is saying that web pages that are ranking high in Google often have a lot of Facebook likes, shares, Tweets etc, and his comment to that is that it is “correlation” and not “causation”. In other words, the…
Google’s Solution To Social Signals

In my previous two posts here on this blog, you have seen that Google may not be using Facebook and Twitter at the moment for real time social signals, but they do have plans to grow their ability to monitor these social signals in real time. In January 2015, Google struck a deal with Twitter…
Google and Social Signals – Reading Between the Lines

We have to read a bit between the lines with the “real” information that is available and that which Google wants us to hear. If we go back a few years, we would have heard Google talk about social signals. In fact, Google even had a deal with Twitter to have direct access to its…
Google and Social Signals

AND SOCIAL SIGNALS by Chris Cantell & John Pearce Introduction In this teaching, we are going to take a detailed look at social links, social signals and what is important as far as Google is concerned with regards to social signals. Now, the entire social aspect of SEO needs some expalanation if we are to…
A Personal Message

To all my awesome customers I’ve sort of reached an interesting point in my business. The email game – I’ve tried to operate with integrity. Not because I’m a saint, I’m not. But I believe that if I operate my business with integrity – treating others as I would like to be treated myself –…
Content is King – But How do we Get it Quickly, Simply, and Cheaply?

Content is king. …and if you are not using content in a big way, it could be one of the main things holding you back from success!!! So What’s the Solution? One concept that has picked up a (justifiably) bad reputation recently is “spinning” – using software to re-write an article. In one way, spinning…

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